Sunday, September 22, 2013

Immigration Bill

I came across this article on the Texas Tribune (click here), that was talking about a new immigration bill called the Vela Grijalva bill that allows immigrants to get a 6 year visa. They would be given the opportunity to work and travel legally, and would lead to future residency after the visa has expired. And although the article talks about two lawmakers walking out, and expressing their distrust in President Obama, I thought I'd pay more attention to the positive side of the article. The possible future of the immigrants among us. The possibilities of them finally becoming citizens after 10, 20 years, and being able to raise their kids comfortably in this country. This bill itself, hopefully inspires other politicians and lawmakers to make something similar that leads to the same opportunities for immigrants. I feel like this is very important to know about because it's expanding possibilities for people that didn't have them, and it shows the way Texas, and the country, is leading towards.