Monday, October 21, 2013

"Know Your Place, We're in Charge"

Although the editorial I chose to write about is from June 28, I thought I'd criticize it because not only is it a big issue in Texas, but also a big issue for women. We are all aware about Wendy Davis' 11-hour filibuster that took place back in the summer, and we are aware of how it ruled. Alberta Phillips, from the Austin American Statement wrote "Filibuster Shifts Abortion Debate to Women's Rights" talking about how unfair it was to make women who undergo and want to undergo an abortion in Texas. She makes points about how it doesn't make sense that men are the ones making this choice, and how things like ultrasounds are unfair to go through. 
Phillips' audience is everyone. She doesn't target just a gender, or a political party. She is talking to a general audience. She shares her feelings and perspective of the issues that are going on. She talks about how she feels like woman aren't taken as seriously in politics and in legal issues that consern women. She's very open of how she feels about woman in politics sharing that men have "employed bogus procedural tactics to gag and block women from fully engaging in the democratic process[es]." 
She is a very credible writer because she is using facts, taking responsibility for opinions and her commentary. She is an editor in a very popular newspaper, and doesn't bash in a distasteful and disrespectful way. Her claim was that men feel the need to control woman's issues. She has proof from issues to back up this claim, and you would be blind not to see it. She shares "But forcing women to undergo an invasive medical procedure without their say goes too far." This shows the unfairness for woman who decide to go through with abortion because they are taking psychological and emotional dabs at them to get them to change their mind, when the legislators and government officials aren't the ones that have to go through the pregnancy.  Not only is abortion a woman's issue, but also equal pay. Phillips talks about how Governor Perry vetoed a law that would end discrimination pay, which is another example of the disrespect woman have in politics. 
I understand why Phillips is so upset over what was going on, and continues to go on (probably because I am a woman too), so it's fairly obvious that I agree with the neglect she speaks of. I feel like she makes a lot of good points, and doesn't state anything disrespectful towards men and politics. She just picks things that actually happened and connects them to the issue that she has. It's a very good editorial piece, with a lot of facts, feelings and sense, so over all it's a good piece. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


After reading Fred Witzell's blog post, "Rep. Pete Sessions and TexasFred Visit regarding the Obama Shutdown", my eyes were opened to the clear hatred this man had for Obamacare and Democrats. It was never something I really noticed before. I always knew the 'beef' between Democrats and Republicans but I always thought it was purely innocent, like they only had this 'beef' because of the difference in their opinions and literally being on the opposite sides of issues. Fred is clearly a strong conversative, and he states his issues with the democratic party very strongly and harshly. There was one statement in particular that really stood out to me, he quoted Representative Sessions, and said "We are now in the middle of a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation.” and also "Obama and the Dems want to HURT us, the American people." I obviously disagree with this man. If anyone wants to hurt the American people it's Republicans because they are so anti affordable health care apparently, and are so worried about saving their millions of dollars when we have people struggling throughout their lives to live here. If anything, separating people by social class and how much many they make and whether or not they have health insurance, does not bring a nation together. If anything Democrats, and the Obama administration are trying to include every kind of person in the benefits of the country. But although I believe Fred is very wrong, he has credible sources (a Texas Representative himself), he sounds very educated (although bias and ethnocentric) about his arguements and has data and facts to back up his opinions. His claim, evidence, and logic is clear. He backs up his claim (Obamacare is a bad idea) with his evidence, (negative effects of the government shut down, talking about the $80 billion dollar debt, the lack of resources for military families) and logic (anti-Obama because of the evidence). So therefore, his blog post in my eyes is very well written, detailed, organized and he backs up his statements with facts and answers from someone credible, therefore Fred is credible.