Monday, November 4, 2013


Abortion seems to be one of the biggest issues in Texas right now, and it's hard for me to not talk about it since I'm very open about being pro-choice. I ran into a video on that you can find  here (Seriously watch it if you want), that follows a couple that was about to undergo an abortion procedure, but with the new abortions laws, their appointment was cancelled and they could not go through with it. In the video, they are explaining why they made this choice, that being they aren't financially stable enough, and an unplanned pregnancy is not that what they need right now, and how Marni, the expecting mother, feels like as if her rights are being violated. And as you scroll down you read all these comments from people basically saying everything anyone always says. "You are a murderer", "A real man believes in life", "We are talking about a human life here", "Stop making unborn babies suffer because you can't deal with the consequences of your actions" etc etc.

People get so caught up in protecting a fetus, cells, that is not theirs to begin with, and that they don't have to carry, deal with or provide for. If you are not the one carrying the fetus, you should not be allowed to make decisions on what to do with it. It is the carrier's choice. It is the couple's choice. The people who made it. Not the government, and not the citizens of a conservative state that think a fetus has more rights than a woman. Why is it that a group of cells need to have the right to be carried to full term, yet woman aren't taken into consideration and they have to give the rights of choosing what to do with their bodies, up for election? People protest for a fetus to get carried to full term under any circumstances, whether it's rape, unplanned, the mother and father are too young, the mother and father are too poor, the mother and father don't want kids, yet no one protests for woman to get paid the same as men or for woman to be able to choose and do what ever it is they want to do with their bodies?

Marni mentioned how there are only 2 doctors in the city of Austin, that are able to do the procedure even with the new laws. But, this only means chaos for both the doctors and everyone in the state that is looking to abort. She mentioned that 80,000 abortion procedures happen in a year. How are these doctors going to preform a safe procedure for all of these people, if there are only 2 of them? Woman's rights are not the only thing that is going to be affected, but their safety with be as well. Women go to doctors and clinics for safe procedures. But if they do not have the access to them, and they want one bad enough, they will get one under any circumstances and that could lead to serious health issues for them. All because people want to make a safe procedure so hard to undergo because a fetus has more rights than a woman in Texas.

People, but more specifically, [most] Texans are so judgemental when it comes to abortion issues. Maybe it's the Christianity and Catholicism, and the Republican that runs in most of their veins. It is one thing to not agree with an issue at all, and another to deny people the right to have a choice about that issue. It is not about choosing what's right, and what's wrong because that always depends on the person. It's about letting woman have the constitutional right to do what they please with their bodies. It should not be anyone's business, other than the people involved and the doctor. And it should definitely not be up for election, or voted on and discussed by white males.

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